Metallic Pea

Frustrating People Since 1971.

Archive for October 2007

Happy Reformation Day!

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 On this day nearly half a millennium ago one of my heroes, Martin Luther, set in motion one of the greatest forces in human history (by the power of the Spirit) by doing what amounted to little more than blogging–he posted his 95 Theses on the church door at Wittenburg.  (In those days, the church doors served as bulletin boards and community kiosks.)

 Oh, Martin–but that there were more men like you in the Church to-day!




It took a comedian to do the Old Media’s job; still, Jay Leno conducts an intelligent–and FAIR–interview with Dr Ron Paul.  The rEVOLution is spreading!!



‘From such a slavery [the establishment of the Federal Department of Education], which is already stalking through the entire earth today, in the particular form of the materialistic paternalism of the modern state, from such a world of unrelieved drabness, we seek escape in the high adventure of the Christian religion. There and there only, we think, is liberty to be found.’  ~ J. Greshem Machen 


Moscow schools have been ordered to ban students from celebrating the cult of the dead, better known as Halloween, despite the widespread popularity of the imported festival to Russia.’

Written by ninepoundhammer

October 31, 2007 at 2:55 pm

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We Don’t Need No Edukayshun

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Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work…’ ~ Titus 3:1  

Few things reveal the character of a modern society like its citizens’ behaviour on the roadways.  Apparently, the sense of self-importance and the amount of displayed aggression are encouraged and enhanced by the somewhat anonymous nature afforded one in the masses of traffic (and on the open road, for that matter) and the (errant) perception of invincibility one feels when wrapped in a tonne of steel and glass.  The result, of course, is a prevalent disregard for traffic laws and a general disdain for anything approaching courtesy or manners while behind the wheel of an automobile. Such attitudes are on full display each day as I drive to and from work.  I am continually amazed—and enraged—at the unacceptable driving behaviour of those sharing the road with me and my family.  With at least 40 minutes (each way) to digest and dissect the aforementioned maddening behaviour, I have decided that the motives for the motor madness can be ascribed to a few identifiable causes: 

– Selfishness/ Self-Absorption 

In our ‘Me First Society,’ many drivers feel that they are the most important people on the road.  (To be sure, I place a high degree of importance on the occupants of my vehicle, but I think the reader understands my point.)  They cannot be bothered to wait there turn to enter the flow of traffic, to drive a safe distance behind another—when the car in front of them is driving the speed limit—or to wait until a SAFE opportunity to pass on a two-lane road.  The ‘me-first’ attitude has been the cause (and near cause) of several wrecks on my route.  I have flinched numerous times as I watched what I thought was sure to become a mass of tangled wreckage, only to have the carnage avoided—thankfully—at the last second.  The selfishness of many drivers on the road manifests itself in a recklessness that puts them—and my family—in danger on the road unnecessarily.  It is maddening.   Of course, much of the reckless driving could be deterred if folks would, say, LEAVE HOME EARLIER SO THAT THEY ARE NOT RUSHING AT THE LAST MINUTE.  (But that’s just my opinion.) 

– Peacocking  

Much of the frustrating behaviour on the road is due to folks (almost exclusively men) showing off the power under their hood.  I watched another example of this last night at the filling station; I college-aged man on a motorcycle tore out of the parking lot like a bat out of Hell, opening the throttle with great abandon—and volume.  (I could hear him streaking down Highway 30 for what seemed like a mile.)  I reckon they enjoy the thrill and attention, regardless of the constraints of the law, but safety never seems to enter the equation. 

– Rebelliousness  

All of this behaviour, of course, flows from our rebellious and sinful nature.  Barring an infusion of the Holy Spirit, we are rebels to the core (and even then, we have our moments).  Our depravity knows no limits on the highways—speed limits or otherwise.  Still, while it should not be surprising, it should be—should be—unacceptable for Christians.  I know of numerous brothers and sisters who ignore the speed limit as a matter of course, for example.  This is a poor witness to the world.  The Scriptures instruct us to obey the laws, whether we like them or not (and regardless of the probability of getting caught or whether someone is watching).  Of course, we are not to obey those laws which are contrary to God’s Law—but again, the point is clear. Adhering to the magistrate’s laws is not only a matter of safety but a matter of obedience to God. 

So, let’s drive friendly—and lawfully—out there!  (‘Cause you’re driving me crazy!!!)  

‘No stop signs, speed limits

Nobody’s gonna slow me down.’  ~ AC/DC, Highway to Hell


Don’t look now but Ron Paul is winning!


‘Once a kid is addicted to fragmented studies and stutter steps and confusion, it is the rare person who can ever get control of their own mind and their own will again. They may get angry and refuse to do something but they don’t know how to write policy for themselves, they can’t write the script of their own lives. So if they can’t get it from their jobs, they get it from television, or from some other kind of mind control.’  ~ John Taylor Gatto, Origins and History of Compulsory American Schooling


‘A children’s fantasy  film [“The Golden Compass”] that stars Nicole Kidman and features a little girl on a quest to kill God has some Christian groups upset over what they believe is a ploy to promote atheism to kids.’  (Is it then ‘coincidence’ that it opens on Pearl Harbour Day? – ed.)


Former President Bush and Chuck Colson are scheduled to speak at an upcoming conference at the Crystal Cathedral that will ‘rethink’ Christianity.  “From my perspective as a former New Age follower, I believe that Robert Schuller’s mission has always been to ‘rethink’ and ‘change’ biblical Christianity into something ‘new’ – as in New Age/New Spirituality,” [Warren Smith] says.’


A London newspaper has ranked Ron Paul amongst the 100 most influential conservatives in the United States. 


‘One seven-year-old [Afghan] boy, Mujib, was the sole survivor of four generations of the same family who were killed in the [U.S.] air strike described at the beginning of the story. When asked what he thought of Americans, he replied, “I hate them.” Now you don’t suppose this kid might grow up to be a terrorist, do you? Nah. They hate us for our freedom.  


To-day’s 1980’s Moment is brought to you by The Police  

Written by ninepoundhammer

October 30, 2007 at 1:32 pm

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Happy Birthday, Knox

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‘For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.’  ~ Acts 2:39



 Knox and Gracie Mae were, apparently, having a stand-off over the plastic Easter egg.  (Thank goodness for that thin piece glass which stood between them–or things could have gotten hairy!)


 To-day marks the second anniversary of the birth of Matthew Knox Anderson, who went to be with our Lord six months ago.  I won’t pretend to be able to understand in the least how the Andersons are feeling to-day; however, my family has been praying for them–and we will continue to do so.

And we shall continue to hold fast to the promise of our faithful God, knowing that Knox sits in the throne room of Heaven, bathing in the Lord’s glory and singing His praises.


‘Now, little brother has done gone on

But we’ll rejoin him at the throne.

We’re gonna be together up yonder in a little while.

…No, the circle won’t be broken…’ 

~ Johnny Cash, Daddy Sang Bass


Written by ninepoundhammer

October 27, 2007 at 6:42 am

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How Country is THAT?!!

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‘How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!  How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!’  ~ Isaiah 14:12 

Jamison Brunone asked me the other day how it was that I was ‘so country,’ owing to the fact that I grew up in Houston.  I reckon that my country-ness has always been just under the surface, lurking deep in the recesses of my DNA.  My folks grew up in rural Texas (down along the Gulf Coast in Brazoria County); in fact, my daddy rode bareback broncs in the rodeo and has raised beef cattle, goats, and sheep for the past 15 years or so.  Therefore, this particular family trait was bound to reassert itself at one time or another. 

And just how country can I get?  Well, Ashlee can tell you some stories, believe me.  Last night serves as a good example: Picture the Lee family standing in the front of our 10-acre property at dusk—Ashlee wearing a pair of MY shoes, me in a pair of ripped up work jeans and boots, and Gracie Mae in nothing but a diaper—looking up at the sky to catch a glimpse of the International Space Station as it passed overhead.  (After mistaking several planes for it, we finally saw the bright ball as it made its way across Grimes County.) 

And did I mention that we drink wine from mason jars?


Did you know that President Nixon was brought down by a piece of duct tape?  (See more here.)   


Hastings resident Chris Chandler never considered himself a “political person,” that is, until he discovered Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.



Turnabout is fair play—except when you are an unrepentant Darwinist.


‘Rudy offers the right the ultimate Faustian bargain: retention of power at the price of one’s soul.’


‘I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Brian Setzer is the best guitar player in the world.’


Ron Paul finds out just how many zip codes New Hampshire has. 


Jacob posted about the movie ‘The Golden Compass’ over at his blog.  I became curious about it so I poked around a bit–some are calling it The Atheist’s Narnia


Feel free to kill and die for the State—but don’t you dare mention God under any circumstances. 


‘Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of [Mike Huckabee’s] early runs for office, was once “his No. 1 fan.” She was bitterly disappointed with his record. “He was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal,” she says. “Just like Bill Clinton [Huckabee] will charm you, but don’t be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office.”’ 


By special request (paging Brandon Spears!), To-day’s 1980’s Moment is brought to you by New Order and their song ‘Blue Monday’: 



Just as an interesting tidbit, Fats Domino also had a big hit with a song titled, ‘Blue Monday’.

Written by ninepoundhammer

October 26, 2007 at 12:27 pm

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Monkey Fight! Monkey Fight!

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‘If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.’  ~ Daniel 3:17,18  

I am not always comfortable giving my opinion to others.  Now, as you wipe the coffee off of your computer screen from the burst of incredulous laughter most of you just experienced, let me explain.  Although I will often, and freely, offer my opinions on numerous and sundry matters, it is not always accompanied by any amount of confidence or comfort—and never with a sense of authoritativeness on my part, I should add.  (My passion and enthusiasm are often mistaken for intellectual bravado although that is never my intention.)  In short, simply because I give my opinion(s), it does not necessarily follow that I am always comfortable in doing so. 

This is especially true during those times in which I find myself at odds with those who I respect and/ or under whose authority I have been placed.  Although I have a healthy respect for the civil authorities placed over me by God—due in no small part, I am sure, to the fact that my father was a state trooper—it is the ecclesiastical disagreements which rattle me most.  I find it very difficult to voice a difference of opinion over doctrinal/ spiritual/ theological matters with a pastor.  Actually, let me rephrase that: I find it very difficult to voice a difference of opinion over doctrinal/ spiritual/ theological matters with MY pastor(s).  Now, I realise that only the Pope is infallible (KIDDING!) but I have no illusions that lead me to believe that I am a theologian; I certainly do not place my Biblical knowledge or insight above, or anywhere near, theirs.  Still, there are times at which I disagree—and those times are not comfortable for me at all. 

These thoughts were brought to the fore recently as I thought about the approach of Reformation Day (Wednesday, 31 October).  My fear and trepidations pale in comparison to those of Martin Luther as he risked his very life to expose the false teachings of the Roman Church.  He was not merely threatened with excommunication but with execution and assassination!  Still, he held fast to his beliefs which were grounded in the Scriptures and buttressed by his faith in the one true God, the Creator of the Universe. 

When I think about the (very few!) times I have disagreed with our pastors (or, perhaps, ruffled a few feathers in Sunday School) I must laugh when I place it in perspective with the struggle Luther—and other heroes of the faith—faced.  Could I stand up against the most powerful man in the world in order to remain true to the faith?  Could I stomach abandonment by my closest friends and family?  Would I walk into the furnace in defiance of an ungodly dictate?  Could I repeat those brave words which still echo through the halls of Protestantism?: 

Here I stand; I can do no other.  God help me.  Amen.


‘All the brave soldiers who cannot get older

Been asking after you.’

~ Crosby, Stills & Nash, Daylight Again


This is a joke, right?


He wouldn’t be troubled with such a matter if he truly understood the Eighth Commandment. 


“He said that he thought most children were strong enough to resist the temptation.  But he said it’s his job to protect the weak and the strong.”


Joel Osteen and his wife do a fairly good job during their interview on ‘Hannity & Colmes’ up until about the 2:15 minute-mark in the interview.  The Osteens really need to read Amos 3:6. 


  Just sit there quietly and don’t ask any questions. 


You should file away this important information in case you are ever attacked my monkeys.   


What’s the best way to instill healthy habits for your children?  According to Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, the first thing you should do is scrap the Ninth Commandment. 


To-day’s 1980’s Moment is brought to you by Human League.

Written by ninepoundhammer

October 25, 2007 at 1:24 pm

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