Metallic Pea

Frustrating People Since 1971.

Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Of Wheat Harvests and Way-Back Machines

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‘And I did so in Jerusalem. I not only locked up many of the saints in prison after receiving authority from the chief priests, but when they were put to death I cast my vote against them.’ ~ Acts 26:10


Here are some folks who understand the importance of gold:

  • Property rights were eradicated in the name of the Civil Rights (sic) crusade. Therefore, folks should not be surprised to discover that a woman is being brought up on civil rights violations for requesting a Christian roommate—in her own home.  [Update: The charges were later dropped.]
  • Sadly, I found out the hard way that this phone hasn’t been invented yet.
  • Coconut oil is exceptionally helpful for pregnant women, nursing moms, the elderly, those concerned about digestive health, athletes (even weekend warriors), and those of you who just want to enhance your overall health.’
  • So, you have a rat and you have a land mine.  What to do?
  • The truth is that the US is insolvent and its policymakers will stop at nothing in order to avoid sovereign default. So, it should come as no surprise that at its latest meeting, the Federal Reserve downplayed the risk of inflation, thereby setting the stage for another round of money creation.’
  • In the waters off Tybee Island, Georgia, right at the Georgia/South Carolina border and not far from Savannah, buried in about 10 feet of silt is a hydrogen bomb. It’s been there for more than 50 years. . . The sad lesson is that we have less to fear from naked aggression than we do from incompetence and bad engineering.’
  • It wasn’t the New Deal that made folks fond of FDR—it was his push to repeal the 21st Amendment.

Industry Booms as States Vote Repeal of Prohibition’

  • The national security police state has been advancing for years but now that the true takeover of American society is in full swing, Americans are finally beginning to understand that everything supposedly aimed at terrorists is in fact directed towards them.’
  • Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years, with scientists predicting further widespread droughts and floods.’
  • The economic whizzing contests regarding currency devaluations currently underway (actually, they’ve been underway for quite some time) would be a thing of the past if countries simply backed their currencies with gold. That would mean that they would be forced to live within their means.

The economic storm is gathering.

  • A proper understanding of God’s Providence precludes any serious contemplation of ‘What If’ history, of course (Ephesians 1:11); however, it is sometimes an interesting exercise to imagine how one incident might have affected—and saved—millions of lives, had it occurred differently.
  • We’re the people that live. They can’t wipe us out, they can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever, Pa, cos we’re the people.’
  • Decades from now, I fully expect to see an epidemic of deafness due to the amazing volumes at which folks listen to music. Likewise, we may not be surprised to find an alarming rise in the rate of brain cancer due to cell phones.



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‘They hatch adders’ eggs; they weave the spider’s web; he who eats their eggs dies, and from one that is crushed a viper is hatched.’  ~ Isaiah 59:5

  • Free-ranging chickens produce better, more wholesome eggs.  Here’s why.
  • Here is a lucid explanation of current economic mess we are in—and the coming (soon) collapse.  Things will never be the same and the sooner we accept that fact the better we can prepare for it.
  • ‘Many Austrian economists, including Ludwig von Mises, have been staunch advocates of “sound money,” stressing the importance of linking paper currencies to the precious metals or, better yet, returning the production of money to the free market where it belongs.’
  • The former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox, is calling for the legalisation of narcotics in an effort to curb violence—and I could not agree more.
  • Google street view gets hit again—Is that a dead body lying in the street?
  • Although one wants to avoid asceticism, there is a great deal to be admired about living a simple life.
  • ‘In an echo of the debates over the discredited intelligence that helped make the case for the war in Iraq, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday released more than 1,100 pages of previously classified Vietnam-era transcripts that show senators of the time sharply questioning whether they had been deceived by the White House and the Pentagon over the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident.’
  • ‘Marc Faber, the Swiss fund manager and Gloom Boom & Doom editor, said the US Federal Reserve will create a “final crisis” by continuing to print money because it is underestimating the strength of the economy which shows no signs of strengthening but signs of weakening everywhere in the world.’

‘If life seems awful to kids, it’s neither because hormones are turning you all into monsters (as your parents believe), nor because life actually is awful (as you believe). It’s because the adults, who no longer have any economic use for you, have abandoned you to spend years cooped up together with nothing real to do. Any society of that type is awful to live in. You don’t have to look any further to explain why teenage kids are unhappy.’  ~ Paul Graham, ‘Why Nerds Are Unpopular’

  • ‘Be prepared, if you have a sugar bowl home go fill it up because it’s going to be more expensive.’  ~ Investment guru Jim Rogers
  • ‘When will Americans come to see that the never-ending terrorist crisis, along with the concomitant loss of our civil liberties, is rooted in U.S. statism, imperialism, and interventionism rather than in religion?’
  • ‘Sovereign default, however, is not the only strategy available to the US regarding its unpayable debt. The US could alternatively pay down its massive obligations by debasing its currency, a strategy wherein the US would pay its creditors with increasingly worthless US dollars – to the US, a far more convenient solution.’
  • ‘Declaring himself the ‘most pessimistic of forecasters, nobody is more pessimistic than me’ Dr Faber outlined a scenario in which the dollar has to be replaced by another unit after a future inflation, and holders of cash and bonds lose virtually everything in the process.’
  • Once again, living in a free society means that folks should have the freedom to sell—or not sell—their home to anyone for any reason.
  • ‘US credit risk is huge and America has two options, either default or let the currency depreciate substantially against currencies such as the yuan and the rouble.’  (Are you prepared for what’s coming?)

Don’t Fear the Cheaper

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‘You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.’  ~ Deuteronomy 25:15


  • This is the situation we face today. There is optimism, despite the obvious fragility of the economy.’


  • If this chart doesn’t scare you, then you are in for one big surprise.


  • James Harrington, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church, said he set up the [fake fight] scenario to test a white officer’s reaction to a fight between two black men.’





While the tribe that Christians should most identify with is the Christian Tribe there can still be diversity of people groupings within this tribe so that a Mongolian Christian, while identifying primarily with the Christian tribe, would, within that tribe, identify most significantly with his or her Mongolian Christian tribe. Trinitarian Christians should have no problem with this since to deny this would be to deny the trinity in favor of a Unitarian God. Think “The One and The Many” here folks.’


  • Americans have travelled many miles down the road to serfdom by deluding themselves that the god of democracy will somehow save them from statist slavery.’



  • I find it difficult to believe that a farm that has been in one family for 378 years could be such a debt trap.







Written by ninepoundhammer

August 4, 2010 at 8:04 pm

Two Arminians Walk Into a Bar…

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‘Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.’  ~ Proverbs 21:9

  • In the Land of the Free, however, you can have cops point guns at you for selling milk. Milk!
  • [U]ntil the debt is wrung out of the system, either through default or raging inflation – there’s no chance of it actually being paid in anything remotely resembling current dollars – the equivalent of an economic Black Death is going to plague the land.’
  • Many of the foods we eat are genetically modified to resist pesticides. The crops absorb the poison—and we eat it.
  • People’s willingness to hold money can change suddenly for a “psychological and spontaneous reason”, causing a spike in the velocity of money [i.e., hyperinflation]. It can occur at lightning speed, over a few weeks. The shift invariably catches economists by surprise. They wait too long to drain the excess money.’
  • Dying of Money’ available for download free of charge here. [UPDATE: Due to a surge in interest, the book is no longer free of charge.  However, a new copy may be obtained here for $34.95.]
  • Jules Dervaes explains why sustainable, local agriculture is vital to our freedom—and survival:

  • The plain truth is that [Abraham] Lincoln was deeply reviled by many who knew him personally, and by hundreds of thousands who only knew of him.’

It’s the $40 oil that is disappearing. There’s still plenty of $200
oil.’ ~ Rick Rule

  • It is now apparent also that the president himself, even before the attack, had intended to order the U.S. armed forces to make a pre-emptive strike against the Japanese in the southwest Pacific in order to assist the British in southeast Asia. But the Japanese “jumped the gun” on him by bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.’
  • Soccer players have lost altogether whatever remained of sportsmanship:

  • We demand that the states of the union shall be preserved in all their vigor and power. They constitute a bulwark against the centralizing and destructive tendencies of the republican party.’ ~ 1924 Democratic Party Platform
  • I forgive you, honey. Now, why don’t you just…go to sleep?
  • China is considering ending its policy of pegging their currency to the Dollar.
  • [O]ur ruling class’s standard approach to any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of the government – meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves, to profit those who pay with political support for privileged jobs, contracts, etc.’
  • Lunacy in our government is not new—Hamilton exhibited extraordinary amounts of ridiculousness:

  • Many books have been written on the Calvinism/Arminianism debate. I do not know of any work that presents the debate and the outworking of the different tenets better than this series does. The script tellingly and incisively sets forth the errors of Arminianism, yet it does so compassionately.’
  • In the name of Christian charity, we are being asked nowadays to subsidize evil.’
  • Police State America: Talk About Jesus and Go to Jail.

When Donkeys Fly

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‘When David’s time to die drew near, he commanded Solomon his son, saying,  “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man.’  1 Kings 2:1, 2

  • One of the many ways to reduce our dependence on a food network that is tenuous at best is to raise a self-sustaining flock of chickens. ‘Sally’ has been perfecting this practise for 40 years.
  • I’ll take ‘The Best Way to Have Your Parental Rights Revoked’ for $200, Alex.
  • If the Republicans actually want to defeat Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court they could have done so. (But did they actually want to?)
  • What kind of a world do we live in when 120 Santa Clauses can’t agree on anything?
  • Even if the economy creates jobs from now on at a pace equal to the fastest four years of the early 2000s expansion, we will not return to the December 2007 level of employment until March 2014.’
  • ‘So when average and lower class men find themselves less and less able  to provide for even themselves, and end up relying on wives and  matriarchs who treat them like bad little children — yes, you are going  to start hearing rumblings that sound like trouble.’
  • Those silly Tea Party folks—they actually think we’re all playing by the same rules. The speed at which they genuflect to the Politically-Correct is but one example of why the movement is more than likely doomed to failure.
  • We already know that we need to eat plenty of leafy greens to stay healthy, but who knew that a salad spinner itself could help save lives?’
  • Ron Paul discusses the unconstitutional money [sic] creation of the U.S. Government:

  • ‘If one believes that government spending can create economic growth, then the answer should be simple: let’s have a huge pretend war that rivals the Second World War in size.  However, this time, let’s not kill anyone.’
  • One of the things you do not feed a baby—chili:
  • Lower-class whites prove to be all-around losers” at the elite schools. They are rarely accepted. Lower-class Hispanics and blacks are eight to 10 times more likely to get in with the same scores.’
  • They ought to fire the jackass who came up with this idea:

  • How a young man ultimately traded a 10 year-old cell phone for a Porsche.
  • Where else would a pregnant woman want to lay back and relax comfortably but in the crook of a tree?!

‘[T]he cult of [Martin Luther] King is intertwined with a political purpose, from which it cannot be dislodged. It is a replacement theology for a now mostly moribund Christianity, which incorporates certain older religious  themes but places them in a multicultural context. King is the  suffering Redeemer, whose birthday comes a few weeks after the  traditional date for celebrating the Christian Redeemer; and his death  was expiatory, like that of Christ, although, unlike Christ’s kingdom,  that of the black socialist savior is situated in this world. King’s mission began the process of cleansing white America of its original sin of racism. But this redemption did not work all at once when he died.  Further sacrifice is demanded of the sinner in the form of the demands that the fallen Redeemer laid upon us, that is, more socialism, more set-asides, more rites of atonement, etc. To try to change this powerful symbolism by reconstructing King into something he clearly was not, perhaps a precursor of Glenn Beck or David Horowitz, is a fool’s errand.  King was exactly what he was. That he has become the replacement Deity in a post-Christian public theology may strike some of us as laughable.  But that elevation is connected to what he said and did.’

  • The Asian Carp could ultimately cost thousands of folks in the Great Lakes area their livelihoods.
  • You can’t rush an important decision: